Is Sleep Important For Stress Relief?

Are you causing your own stress in our modern world? Local and world news is bombarding us 24/7. This makes it difficult to relax and not worry so much and avoid the stress this causes. You need to develop a way to turn this information off if you want to reduce your level of stress. Many people do not sleep well and this is almost always caused by internal tension. An agitated mind will not let you drift off into easy sleep and will wake you up long before you have slept enough.

Problems with sleeping or getting to sleep can be caused by high levels of stress. Not only is it important to get enough sleep, the quality of sleep is important to decrease the stress levels in your body. It is difficult to cope with stress unless you have some quality sleep every night. 8 hours for adults has been suggested by the sleep experts. Stress can become chronic and start taking its toll on your health when you have less than optimal hours of sleep. Many medical conditions have thought to have stress as a major contributor. Panic attacks, heart disease and stroke are some of the conditions that can be influence by stress levels

An excellent night rest is essential as part of an effective stress relief activities program. Here are five top stress relieving tips to help you do just that:

1. Reading the Right Books

Book reading should be included in any stress reduction program as a good relief from stress. Good reading should help you relax, slow your breathing and fine yourself not thinking about daily stress. Books that interest you should be a priority. I have to admit that I have started to read boring textbooks and was asleep before I the second page! Keep in mind that pent up stress can be released with reading a good book. As your mind relaxes you should be able to drift easily off to sleep.

2. Water Therapy

A hot shower or bath will help bring on sleep and assist in stress relief. This is because the hot water causes increase blood flow to the surface of the body, soothes sore muscles and joints, and promotes sleep. As you get out, your temperature gradually starts to fall and sleep usually comes naturally.

Speaking of water, why not try some Chamomile tea. It is naturally de-caffienated and besides relieving indigestion it has mild relaxant and sedative properties.

3. A Bedroom Should Be Where You Escape Stress

Take everything out of your bedroom that is not directly related to bedroom activities. If you have become used to watching television in bed, or have a computer console in your bedroom, you will be tempted to engage in these activities instead of unwinding, de-stressing and going to sleep.

Have soft lighting available for use in the bedroom. And if you can, replace central ceiling lights with more restful wall lights. When you make your bedroom more suitable to sleep, you will find that you will be able to get to sleep more naturally.

4. Sleep and Sex In The Bedroom

The bedroom should be where you sleep and not a TV or computer room. It should be tranquil and your haven from the world. By using the bedroom for sex and sleep you will maximize its stress reducing potential. Remove all stress inducing activities from it and you will find a more relaxed and stressless feeling when you go into the bedroom. With less distraction, restful sleep should come easily.

5. Aim For A Routine Bed Time

If you want to promote a more restful sleep, you have to develop a restful sleeping routine. You choose when to go to bed by determining how many hours of sleep you need to be rested. Most people need eight hours but some people thrive on six and other cannot function without ten. Yes, you may have to go to bed fifteen to thirty minutes earlier in order to fall asleep.

Stick to your bedtime and wake up time every day. Your mind and body will feel rejuvenated with good quality and restful sleep.

Also check out the best stress relief activities article for some excellent tips.

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