All Posts Tagged With: "Shobha Ingrown Relief Lotion"

Shobha Ingrown Relief Lotion Exclusive!

Talking Makeup is excited to share with you a Shobha Ingrown Relief Lotion Exclusive  promotion: Just use promotion code: 0709IRL515 to get $5.00 off the purchase of Shobha Ingrown Relief Lotion on 

More details:
Valid for online purchases only
One redemption per customer
Offer expires at 12am EST 8/1/09
Retail value: $22.00; promotion price with coupon code: $17.00!

Shobha Offer!

Here is a cool offer you might want check out by Shobha:

Less bumps, more bang (for your buck): Shobha Ingrown Relief Lotion Buy Shobha Ingrown Relief Lotion get: $5 off.

Buy at any Shobha location: any sugaring/waxing treatment + Shobha Ingrown Relief Lotion get: $10 off.

Buy at any Shobha location: a Shobha Six-Pack get: 1 FREE Shobha Ingrown Relief Lotion ($22.00 value).