
Talking Makeup is a top daily beauty and fashion blog founded by Marta Walsh.

Marta Walsh

Marta Walsh

How I Started a Fashion & Beauty Blog?

I have never been to a beauty school or fashion school and I’m NOT a makeup artist. In fact I consider myself a total amateur, even today. I just love fashion and makeup (like you, I hope).

Marta Walsh and Talking Makeup In The Press

What I’ve done, which celebs I’ve met and interviewed, and who interviewed Marta Walsh? Visit the In The Press page to find out.

My Philosophy

Talking Makeup is never about telling you what to do, how to apply your own makeup, or decide your style for you. Feel free to make your own decision on how you want to look, what ever works best for you. I really like what Nicolas Degennes, Givenchy’s Artistic Director and who I met in NYC, once said: “makeup is freedom…freedom to become whoever you want to be in that moment…to experiment…to create..to express…”

How To Contact Talking Makeup

Press materials about your product, brand, and personality, or, if you are looking to schedule an interview with your celebrity client, please contact us at email address below.

Brands & Advertisers Please note: Products submitted and shipped to TalkingMakeup.com do not guarantee a review! We only write and review products we love. We currently accept sponsored posts. Due to a vast amount of brand requests TalkingMakeup.com accepts only paid giveaway offers. All offers are subject to approval. Please contact us to discuss rates.

DISCLAIMER: Talkingmakeup.com receives many free products from beauty brands and PR companies. On occasion we also receive other gifts. Gifts and free products do not influence the content of our posts. Sometimes talkingmakeup.com will be given financial incentive to make posts, such posts will always be clearly marked as a ‘Sponsored Post’.

Connect With Talking Makeup and Marta Walsh

For all above inquiries please contact us at:

marta at talkingmakeup dot com


