New-DuWop Payoff Eyeshadow Intensifier

Payoff Eyeshadow Intensifier is Duwop’s newest addition.  DuWop Payoff Eyeshadow Intensifier is a water-based solution that transforms any powder eye shadow into a creamy liquid shadow. 

Duwop Payoff Eyeshadow Intensefier 

This is how DuWop Payoff Eyeshadow Intensifier works: the clear liquid extracts the pigmented particles of powder eye shadow and bonds with them, with just a few drops.  How to use: shake the bottle well before using and then squeeze one drop of the fluid onto the powder shadow to create a creamy liquid eyeshadow.  Apply the moistened eyeshadow to the lids with a brush, blending well.  Cost: $17.   

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