New L’Oreal Skin Genesis

New L’Oreal Skin Genesis or Derma Genese is a skincare line that treats not just the symptoms of aging but also the cause of aging.  New L’Oreal Skin Genesis combines 100% naturally derived, patented Prp-Xylane with hyaluronic spheres to boost cell activity layer by layer.  The results: stronger, tighter, and brighter skin.  Pro-Xylane is a naturally derived ingredient extracted form the Beech wood plant using the latest environmentally friendly process knows as “Green Chemistry” making it bio-degradable and bio-assimilable. 

New L'Oreal Skin Genesis Skincare 

Actress Penelope Cruz is the face of L’Oreal Skin Genesis line which targets women ages 35 and younger who like to  fight the first signs of aging.  L’Oreal Skin Genesis includes two creams one with SPF 15, eye cream, night cream, and a serum.  More good news about the new L’Oreal Skin Genesis, it comes in fragrance free version.  It is available at your local drugstore in US and Canada.  It suppose to launch in Europe in September.  Cost: around $24. 

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