Test With Me The NEW Mystery Body Lotion by A Mystery Major Brand
Hello loves:) I would like to give you a sneak peek to what’s it like to be a beauty blogger. As such, I get to try many makeup & skincare products sometimes even before they hit the market. Well that’s the beauty of being an insider. It’s nice to know that my opinion as a beauty blogger has an impact or an influence and it matters. Now you can get to be an influencer by testing a mystery body lotion by a mystery major brand with me!! Are you ready?:)

The Mystery Body Lotion
Enter To WIN & Test NEW Mystery Lotion
Here’s How
I’m looking for 5 readers (it might be you ha!). All you need to do to enter to get a chance to try the mystery lotion is leave a comment below this post and tell me why would you like to participate. Once the mystery lotion will be shipped to you and you get to actually try the lotion please email me or comment below with your feedback. Tell us what you think about the mystery lotion. The mystery brand will be reading!!!
MUST have a US address to enter.

Join Me And Test The Mystery Body Lotion By A Major Brand
Thank you & good luck. Can’t wait to hear from you:)
Yours Sincerely, Marta Walsh.
***The above post is a sponsored post***