Twilight Star to Team up with YogaWorks SoHo

You are invited to join Twilight Saga star and yoga fan Chaske Spencer and YogaWorks as they show their support for the United Global Shift Organization’s “Peace Promises” Campaign.

December 10th, 2009
Starting at 4:30 pm.

YogaWorks SoHo Studio
459 Broadway
New York, New York 10013

The actor will be signing autographs and participating in a YogaWorks ½ Class that the public is invited to attend for a suggested donation of $20. He and YogaWorks will be kicking off a month of peace pledges at the YogaWorks SoHo studio. Throughout December, visitors will be encouraged to donate $2 to Peace Promises and contribute to the banner of pledges. All participants will receive a Chaske Spencer/United Global Shift bracelet.

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