All Posts Tagged With: "holiday perfumes"
Demeter Fragrance Library Holiday Perfumes Must-Haves
I definitely smell the holiday season, pun intended. What makes my holiday is also the smells that come with it, the Pumpkin Pie in Thanksgiving, the Cranberry sauce. The scary Funeral home for Halloween (I bet you never thought this extremely unusually perfume even existed), and the Tootsie Roll when Trick-or-Treat-ing. Well if you’re like me a Holiday ‘softie’, you might want to check what Demeter Fragrance Library is up to. What caught my attention is these 2 perfume collections: Demeter Fragrance Library Autumn memory making classics and Demeter Fragrance Library deliciously wicked Halloween classics.

L to R: Demeter Fragrance Library Autumn memory making classics, Demeter Fragrance Library deliciously wicked Halloween classics.