How To Lighten Eyebrows
Finally my hair is straight after a weekend of sun and swimming…now I can breath. And thank god for Anastasia Beverly Hills Tinted Brow Gel in Blonde ($19.00), and Brow Wiz in Ash Blonde ($18.00). If your hair is highlighted in blonde than these two magic brow helpers by Anastasia Beverly Hills will lighten your eyebrows. It is a a great alternative if you don’t want to mess with a bleach to lighten your eyebrows.
How to lighten your eye brows? Simply apply the Tinted Brow Gel in Blonde by Anastasia Beverly Hills on your brows. It is a mascara like application which tints your eyebrows and lightens them. Next use the Brow Wiz by Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz to fill in any gaps in the eyebrows and shape them. And there you have it, perfectly lighter eyebrows to match your new blonde hair.

If you like to get even more dramatic…
You can first bleach your eyebrows with Jolen Creme Bleach (around $10.00 at drugstores). But, be VERY careful not to get the bleach in your eyes…or even ask a professional to do it for you!
Leave beach for 8 to 12 minutes depending how light you want to go, and how dark your eyebrows are to begin with. Not to worry if you mistakenly over bleached your eyebrows, simple use Anastasia Beverly Hills Tinted Brow Gel and Brow Wiz to darken.