Christy Turlington Wearing Theodora & Callum Scarf
Christy Turlington was spotted wearing the Theodora & Callum Orange Multi Bodrum Wearable Art Gauze Scarf supporting Every Mother Counts while out in NYC today. Just in time for Mother’s Day, Theodora & Callum has partnered with Christy Turlington and is donating a portion of sales for the month of May to Christy’s charity, Every Mother Counts.

Christy Turlington Burns spotted in New York City wearing a Theodora & Callum scarf designed to benefit her charity, Every Mother Counts
In addition to partnering with EMC, T&C has also partnered with celebrity florist, Eric Buterbaugh and will be sending bouquets in the same colors as the scarf to celebrity mother’s such as Jessica Alba, Heidi Klum, Reese Witherspoon and Molly Sims.