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Marta’s Top 3 Body Lotions

I’m a huge fan of body lotions. Smooth and hydrated skin is a key to feeling beautiful and ready for the world. I can’t stand dry skin! I judge a body lotion on how greasy it is, how much it is perfumed (I don’t like overpowering body lotions), and if it’s long wearing (I like to feel hydrated through out the day).

These are Marta’s top 3 body lotions lately:

1. Aveeno Intense Relief  Overnight Cream: It’s reads overnight, but I use it in the morning too (shuu…I just revealed a big secret:). It’s fragrance free, it’s quenches my skin and keeps it smooth and hydrated all day. Tip: All Aveeno body lotions are great. I got into them years ago, and I’m so glad I’ve discovered Aveeno!!!
Visit: for more details.

2. Jergens Soft Shimmer Skin Radiance Moisturizer: If you are the sexy type, and like all things shimmer & gold shimmer then this is a must-have body lotion for you. It’s fragranced lightly, and actually smells (to me) a bit like honey which is very feminine. It adds a golden shimmer to your skin and will transform you into a glam goddess in an instant (at least this is how I feel:) If  shimmer is too much for you during the day, keep one in your purse before you go out!
Visit: for more details.

Editor’s Lowest-Rated Body Lotions content:

Editors’ 9 Lowest-Rated Body Lotions

These moisturizers from brands like Clinique, Sephora and Dove didn’t give us enough bang for our buck


Editors' 9 Lowest-Rated Body Lotions

When the weather turns cold and dry, we hand over hard-earned cash for body moisturizers that we hope will keep our skin from feeling parched and itchy. But these nine promising lotions left us, well, a bit dissatisfied.

See lotions