All Posts Tagged With: "Ildi Pekar Skin Care"

Ildi Pekar Skin Care

Heading to New York City and looking for some pampering time for your skin? Check out Ildi Pekar Skin Care. As the former head aesthetician for a celebrity facialist for 8 years, Pekar struck out on her own three years ago to bring the latest beauty technology from her native country of Hungary, renown for its venerable beauty history. Exclusive and holistic face and body treatments draw international clientele ranging from runways models perfecting their look for fashion week to beauty and music executives enhancing their stylish appearance.

Pekar is specialized in anti-aging, acne facial treatments and cellulite and slimming body treatment. Her signature facial is the micro-current facial (Refine facial) which is tightens and strenghtens the muscle. It gets rid of puffiness, refines your jaw line and you see immediate result.