All Posts Tagged With: "injectable treatments"

Dr. Laurie Casas interview with Marta Walsh

I’ve recently interviewed Laurie Casas, MD, ASERF‘s (Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation) President and a plastic surgeon practicing in suburban Chicago.

I would like to share with you Dr. Laurie Casas’s insight and tips about injectable treatments like BOTOX Cosmetic & Juvederm, & her answer to this question: Why patients are no longer keeping their injectable treatments a secret?

Laurie Casas, MD, a plastic surgeon

Marta Walsh: Where does your passion for plastic surgery come from?
Dr. Laurie Casas: My passion for plastic surgery comes from a life long desire to make a difference in peoples’ lives and the opportunity to express myself artistically.

MW: Why patients are no longer keeping their injectable treatments a secret?
DR. LC: People know longer feel it is necessary to keep their injectable treatments a secret because these treatments are safe, reliable and affordable when performed by properly trained physicians.

MW: Why injectable treatments became so popular with so many patients men & women?
DR. LC: Injectable treatments are popular because they are safe and reliable and actually deliver predictable results which allow people to feel and look their best.