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ANEW Clinical Luminosity Pro Brightening Serum

ANEW Clinical Luminosity Pro Brightening Serum ($54) was keeping my skin superbly clear and baby smooth this weekend. My skin loves everything about this serum which is formulated to treat tell-all signs of aging like uneven skin tone, dullness and discolorations, and dark spots. It’s a perfect treat to anyone having one of these ‘my skin feels so dull’ days. This topical serum harnesses the power of injectable-grade L-Aspartic Acid to help deliver effective brightening results at home. It feels it! 🙂

ANEW Clinical Luminosity Pro Brightening Serum is available exclusively through Avon Representatives. To locate an Avon Representative, call 1-800-FOR-AVON or visit

ANEW Clinical Luminosity Pro Brightening Serum