Nina Garcia Interviews With Marta Walsh

Last year I was given an amazing chance to ask Nina Garcia some questions for Talking Makeup’s style section: It was around the same time Nina published her second book: The One Hundred: A Guide to the Pieces Every Stylish Woman Must Own.

I though to share with you my interview with Nina Garcia, just in case you’ve misses it!:)

Nina Garcia is one of Bravo’ Project Runway famous judges along with supermodel Heidi Klum, and fashion designer Michael Kors. Nina is also a magazine editor who until August 2008 acted as the Editor-at-Large of Elle Magazine. Nina is now a fashion director for Marie Claire Magazine. In 2007 Nina Garcia released her first book called: The Little Black Book of Style, by Harper Collins, which is a must-have read for any woman who would like to discover her own fashion sense. In August 2008 Nina published her second book: The One Hundred: A Guide to the Pieces Every Stylish Woman Must Own.

In this interview Nina Garcia tells Marta Walsh what it takes to be successful in the fashion industry, the best part of being a judge on the Emmy nominated Bravo series Project Runway, her inspiration behind her latest book The One Hundred, and the Nina Garcia’s definition for style.

Marta Walsh: Why did you decide on a career in fashion and what does it take to be successful at it?
Nina Garcia: I was immediately drawn to the fashion industry’s constantly evolving nature. To be successful? It takes determination and a thick skin.

MW: What is the best part of being a judge on Bravo’s Project Runway?
NG: I love being a part of a show that has brought a great deal of attention to the fashion industry. I think it has made fashion cool again and it has illustrated that it is an industry full of creative, vibrant, intelligent people. I am very proud of that.

: What was your inspiration behind your new book: The One Hundred?
NG: Really, the inspiration came out of necessity. I had to move out of my apartment for 8 months while it was being renovated. I couldn’t take my whole closet with me, so I was forced to ask myself, what are the items I cannot live without? This is, for the most part, is a list of those items.

MW: What is Nina Garcia’s definition for style?
NG: You know when you can’t take your eyes off of someone and you are not sure why? That’s style.

MW: What is next for Nina Garcia?
NG: I just started a great new job at Marie Claire, I will be shooting the next season of Project Runway, and I have a few other ideas and opportunities rolling around. We’ll see. I’m always looking for a new challenge.

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