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Heidi Klum Interviews With Marta Walsh

Last year or so, I was given an incredible chance to ask Heidi Klum some questions on her red carpet beauty secrets and Victoria’s Secret Beauty and makeup. I thought to share!

Marta Walsh: How do you decide on a hair style for the red carpet?
Heidi Klum: The dress inspires everything. I’ll put on the dress the day of the event and we’ll collaborate on what kind of hair and makeup will look best.

MW: In what way is red carpet makeup different than any other day or event?
HK: Red carpet beauty prep is a little different because you usually have more time to get ready and it HK: becomes a fun, girly event. We joke around and sip a little champagne. It’s really fun and festive. And, red carpet makeup can be a little bolder and more adventurous when you’re wearing a dramatic evening gown.

MW: Is there any beauty do’s or don’t’s before the big red carpet day?
HK: I try to live a healthy balanced life always, so I don’t do anything different before the big day. I think you get into trouble if you’re experimenting with crazy or drastic beauty treatments the day before!

But, I do like to have sun-kissed skin for the red carpet, so I apply Bare Bronze Gleaming Self Tan Tint mixed with Bare Bronze Daily Glow Moisturizer the day before. Top with a little Sexy Little Things Shimmer Powder and you’re glowing for the red carpet!

Heidi’s Red Carpet secrets are…