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Daymond John Interviews With Marta Walsh

I’m so excited to share with you my interview with Daymond John founder of FUBU and star of ABC’s The Shark Tank. As a New Yorker myself the name FUBU rings many bells but mostly Mr. Daymond John and FUBU are a success story that inspired me all these years.

Daymond John

A success story, an industry leader, a young entrepreneur, a man who has reached and surpassed new heights of commercial and financial success – just a fraction of classifications used to describe Daymond John. Over the last 18 years, Daymond has evolved into one of the most successful fashion icons in business today. Known as the “Godfather of Urban Fashion,” Daymond is also regarded one of the most sought after branding experts and motivational speakers in the country. Having graduated from waiting tables at Red Lobster to being the CEO of a multi-million dollar enterprise, complete with sky rise offices in the Empire State Building, Daymond John is living “the American Dream.”’

In this interview Daymond John talks to Marta Walsh about his beginnings in fashion. What made FUBU take off. His passion for inspiring others and giving back. His encounter with President Barack Obama. Why did he decide to join ABC’s Shark Tank. Gives advice to aspiring entrepreneurs. Describes his personal style, philosophy about beauty, and talks future plans.

Marta Walsh: When did your fascination with fashion and style begin?
Daymond John: It goes as far back as when I was 5 or 6 years old. I used to watch my mother put patterns of clothes on the floor and I helped her cut them with scissors and sew them all together. My own interest for fashion and style grew when I was 13 and around the time when Hip Hop began to emerge in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and New York. The new music genre also translated into a change in how people used to dress on the street, and that was very inspiring to me.