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How To Transform Your Look by Marta Walsh
I have two beauty tips that will save you money and also will transform your look.
1. Lighten your eyebrows: Lightening your eyebrows whether with a light eyebrow pencil 2 shades lighter than your natural eyebrows or even using a bleach can make a huge difference to your look. When I say huge, I mean an instant makeover. Lighter eyebrows give you a much softer look and accentuate your eyes.
Celebrities that I suspect to lighten their eyebrows include: Oprah, Tyra Banks, IMAN, Jennifer Lopez, Vanessa Williams, and recently I’ve even noticed Rachel Rey. Yup:)
Blonde highlights and lighter eyebrows transformed Jennifer Lopez into a superstar
Anastasia Beverly Hills is amazing for anything to do with brows, so look out for their tinted brow gels and brow pencils. I love Anastasia Beverly Hills Duo Brow Wand (a new powder featuring a dual-sided applicator with Brunette and Ash Blonde Brow Powders).
Anastasia Tinted Brow Gel