All Posts Tagged With: "bikini"

How to Get Ready for Bikini Season

Talking Makeup is excited to share with you 5 EASY tips on how to get ready for bikini season by Kacy Duke, trainer to the stars and co-founder of one of America’s most luxurious gyms Equinox.

Kacy Duke


Start each workout with a 3-minute warm-up to increase heart rate and loosen muscles. (Try jumping rope, walking on the treadmill, jogging in place, doing jumping jacks or riding a stationary bike).

Venus Embrace Celebrates the 60th Anniversary of the Bikini in America

This month marks the 60th anniversary of the bikini in America. When the first bikini was launched it caused an explosion on the fashion scene, and through the years that little piece of fabric has gone through quite an evolution in length, fabrics, colors and cuts. Today, the bikini is a defining force in summer style.


To help celebrate the bikini’s debut in America, Venus has prepared a timeline of 20th century swimsuit fashions and has worked with country star and dancer Julianne Hough to develop a “how to look your bikini best” tip sheet.

When it comes to donning a bikini, confidence is key. And, smooth skin can help! According to a recent survey, almost 75% of women said that they felt more confident after shaving. Research also shows that shaving makes women feel more feminine, polished and beautiful.

NIVEA Presents Shay Todd at Miami Fashion Week Swim 2010

Summer 2009 is all about bikini confidence thanks to the Nivea “Good-Bye Cellulite, Hello Bikini Challenge.”

MTV Contest Winner to Join Kim Kardashian and Women Across the Country In Four-Week Nutrition, Fitness, Style and Skin Care Challenge to Look Their Bikini Best!

Women across the country, including celebrities like Kim Kardashian, have been feeling and looking their bikini-best thanks to the NIVEA “Good-bye Cellulite, Hello Bikini Challenge,” the four-week, holistic program combining fitness, nutrition, style and NIVEA’s Good-bye Cellulite skincare products to help women visibly reduce the appearance of cellulite, get in shape and radiate bikini confidence. Now, with beach season in full-throttle, NIVEA Good-bye Cellulite will partner with Challenge expert and celebrity swimsuit designer Shay Todd to present her Miami fashion show and with MTV’s “It’s On with Alexa Chung” to reward one lucky winner with a chance to attend the show as an on-air correspondent for MTV!!!

A Busy Bikini Summer: These activities bookend a busy bikini season for NIVEA’s “Good-bye Cellulite, Hello Bikini Challenge.” Kicking off in April, the brand hosted a Miami beach-side event where the largest gathering of bikini-clad celebrants formed a human alphabet to spell out the word “NIVEA.”