All Posts Tagged With: "Makeup"

How To Get Khloe Kardashian’s Makeup Look For Maxim Hot 100 Party

Last night was a busy night for many celebrities who attended the Maxim Hot 100 party. I just saw these pics of Khloe Kardashian and her makeup created by celebrity makeup artist and photographer, Troy Jensen. I absolutely love this look! It is SO me, lol:) I also love Khloe’s hair, a beautiful shade of brown, blown super straight.

Here is how to get Khloe Kardashian’s makeup look at the Maxim Hot 100 party by Troy Jensen!

“As a celebrity makeup artist, it is my job to bring you the latest and the greatest of products, tips, and trends. My friends at Dior sent me some beautiful palettes to play with and when Khloe Kardashian asked me to glam her up for Maxim’s Hot 100 Party, it was a perfect opportunity to give her a dramatic eye and radiant glow.

Kourtney Kardashian Interviews With Marta Walsh

I can’t be more excited today and bring to you an interview I did recently with the beautiful Kourtney Kardashian!

Kourtney Kardashian is the sweetest girl and chatting with her was such pleasure. Kourtney’s voice was very calm and she was kind enough to share with me some of her beauty secrets, her experience on the hit series on E!: Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and future plans.

Kourtney Kardashian interviewed with me for Talking Makeup’s celebrity beauty section:

Kourtney Kardashian is best known for her appearances on the reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians and is also the big sister to Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, and Kylie and Kendall Jenner.

Kourtney Kardashian and her sister Khloe Kardashian will be appearing in a spin-off show which will air in August 2009 on E! Networks. The spin-off will feature the sisters moving to Miami to open a second Dash store on the east coast. The show has a working title of: Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami.

I caught up with Kourtney Kardashian on a telephone from Los angles early in the morning (and I must say, Kourtney was very punctuate!) to chat about the time she discovered the love for makeup. Why she looks up to her mother, Kris Jenner. Best part of being on the show: Keeping Up With The Kardashians. What’s in Kourtney’s makeup bag. What does she feel about becoming famous. And her new reality show Kourtney and Khloe in Miami.

Marta Walsh: When did you first discover makeup?
Kourtney Kardashian: Probably way too young. Kim and I went to all girls Catholic school where we had to wear uniforms so the only way we could express ourselves was wearing cute shoes or a lipstick. I remember wearing lipstick in seventh grade. Our teacher would take our lipsticks away and throw them away every day. That’s why we would buy cheap lipsticks in a drugstore. It was a burgundy color lipstick. Not a cute color. We also then began wearing an eye liner.

Max Factor 2000 Calorie Extreme Lash Plumper Mascara & Max Factor Vivid Impact Lipcolor

I’ve recently had a chance to try the latest from Max Factor: Max Factor 2000 Calorie Mascara & Max Factor Vivid Impact Lipcolor. I was very pleased with both products.

Watch Marta’s video blog and see why!:)

Max Factor 2000 Calorie Extreme Lash Plumper Mascara does everything you need from a mascara: it thickens, lengthens, and make your eye lashes pop out. The difference? A patented fat-inject formula and extreme Double-D brush plump every single lash.

NARS Vintage 2009 Nail Polish

NARS pre-launched some classic nail shades for 2009: NARS Vintage 2009 Nail Polish! SRP: $16.

NARS Vintage 2009 Nail Polish Shades from left to right: Blue Lagoon: Iridescent powder blue. Hunger: Hot orange red. Zizi: Clear with peach and gold glitter. Cha Cha Cha: Semi-Sheer tangerine with gold reflections. And Tallulah: Rich grape.

L’Oreal Paris Encourages You to Celebrate Women of Worth

L’Oréal Paris is proud to continue their longstanding commitment to support women’s inner beauty through the fourth annual Women of Worth grassroots awards program. Beginning April 20th, you are invited to visit the L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth online community at , to nominate a woman whose service and dedication to volunteerism are making a difference.

The 2008 L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth Honorees were honored
for their outstanding commitment to community achievement
and volunteerism. Nominations for 2009 are currently live at

In addition to nominating women enriching their communities, you will find helpful tips on how to get involved in local and national volunteer organizations, and also have the opportunity to read and share inspiring personal stories of worth and empowerment. Nominations are open through July 13th.

Women of Worth 2008 National Honoree, Cindy Kerr and L’Oréal
Paris, President Karen Fondu.

Lauren Luke YouTube’s Makeup Tutorials Guru Interviews With Marta Walsh

I’m very excited to bring to you an interview I did with Lauren Luke YouTube’s makeup tutorials guru who has been watched by 39 million viewers!

Lauren Luke interviewed with me for Talking Makeup’s celebrity beauty section:

Lauren Luke is a self-taught makeup guru watched by 39 million on her YouTube channel.

Growing up in the proud yet humble English town of South Shields, Lauren posted her first tutorial on YouTube just 18 months ago. The 27-year-old single mother started posting the videos to enhance her gig selling makeup on Ebay – an opportunity she seized so she could quit her job as a taxi dispatcher and spend more time with her then 9 -year-old son, Jordan.

Lauren Luke was called “The World’s Most Popular Makeup Artist” by the BBC, her new color cosmetics line By Lauren Luke launched on April 27th, 2009 and the rest is history.

In this interview Lauren Luke talks to Marta Walsh about how it all began for her with makeup. Her New Makeup line: By Lauren Luke and the inspiration behind it. Her feelings about becoming famous. Her philosophy about beauty and future plans.

Marta Walsh: When did your fascination with makeup begin? Did you ever have a formal training in makeup?
Lauren Luke: It started when I was 13. I wanted to be a bit prettier at school to fit in. I was inspired by Bob Ross who is a painter. Because I love color, I attached to it quickly. I never had any formal training.

Jessica Biel At The Screening of Easy Virtue With Hot Pink Lipstick

Here is Jessica Biel at the Screening of Easy Virtue, just because I love the hot pink lipstick she is wearing. It’s the perfect pink, not too pale or washed out and not too dark. Very spring/summer! Gotta look for one myself!

I forgot to mention, Jessica Biel has the most beautiful smile!

Image via

Beauty Month at Harrods May 2009

If you are a U.K. Talking Makeup’s reader or if you are planing to travel to London this month, you can stop by Harrods in London for some beauty shopping!

Harrods is the International showcase for the world’s leading brands, and aims to deliver the highest levels of service, knowledge and experience to all their customers.

Talking Makeup is delighted to bring to you the list of Harrods upcoming beauty events during Harrods’ “Beauty Month” in May.

16th/17th May: Skincare Focus Weekend:

• The infamous Crème de la Mer are offering Hot Towel hand and arm massages to demonstrate their highly anticipated Body Refiner- which promotes radiance.
• Beauty giants Clarins are holding intimate work shops with customers focusing on smoothing away lines and imperfections whilst demonstrating their Instant Beauty Perfector skincare products.
• Clarins are also offering Customer Rewards – From 4 – 17 May 2009. With the purchase of two or more recommended products, one to be a skin care, the customer can choose 4 extra-generous travel sizes from a selection of 10, worth £64. The products will be presented in a large Summer Tote Bag.

Freida Pinto and Evangeline Lilly Newest Spokespeople for L’Oréal Paris

L’Oréal Paris is proud to announce Freida Pinto and Evangeline Lilly as the newest world spokespeople for the brand.

The announcement comes on the eve of the Opening Ceremony of the 62nd Cannes Festival and reiterates L’Oréal Paris’ commitment to the great stars of film.

Freida Pinto is best known for her performance as “Latika” in the Oscar winning film, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE.

Photo credit: Freida Pinto’s picture by photographer Manmeet Bhatti.

Evangeline Lilly is best known as “Kate” on the hit show LOST. Her performance on the show has earned her a nomination for the 2007 Golden Globe Awards as Best Actress in a Drama Series.

Photo credit: Evangeline Lilly’s picture by photographer Kwaku Alston/Corbis Outline.

Read more: FREIDA PINTO, EVANGELINE LILLY, ELIZABETH BANKS. New Spokespeople for L’Oréal Paris.

Win Free Tickets to The Makeup Show NYC!

Do you live in New York area and LOVE makeup? Talking Makeup together with The Makeup Show NYC is giving you a chance to Win FREE tickets to The Makeup Show NYC!

We are going to giveaway tickets to 2 winners to the show for either day…on Saturday, May 17 or Sunday, May 18th, at Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 West 18th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues.

HOW TO ENTER: Just leave a comment on this post! We are going to pick 2 winners randomly by Wednesday this week, May 14th. So harry!:)

If you didn’t win, tickets may be also purchased on . Advance ticket deadline is Thursday, May 14.