All Posts Tagged With: "Styling Products"

Sexy Bond Girl Hairstyles
Sexy Bond Girl Hairstyles

From “Quantum of Solace” to the days of Sean Connery, see the hair looks we love and how to steal ’em


Sexy Bond Girl Hairstyles

So most people (er, guys) watch James Bond movies for the action, the cars and the gadgets. But we watch them to see how the Bond girls strategically seduce Mr. Bond with their beauty (hair and makeup looks to be specific). Which is why we rounded up the hottest hair looks from the many decades of Bond movies and, of course, the newest Bond flick. Read on to learn key tricks on getting these hairstyles at home.

See bond girls

Kiehl’s Gives You a 20% OFF All Purchases!

Kiehl’s gives all Talking Makeup’s loyal readers a 20% OFF all purchases made at a Kiehl’s freestanding retail store or on!

WHEN: Offer begins on Saturday 11/22/2008 and runs until Monday 12/1/08.

You can also enjoy Kiehl’s complimentary shipping on orders of $30 or more by simply entering the code FAMILY upon checkout.

Best “As Seen on TV Hair Products
Best “As Seen on TV” Hair Products

These hair shampoos, conditioners and styling products make late-night TV worth flipping for


Best 'As Seen on TV' Hair Products

There are so many hair loss products and hairstyle goods sold on TV, it’s a wonder we don’t do all our beauty shopping from the comforts of our own homes. Available through QVC, the Home Shopping Network and infomercials, these reliable products made our members happy they picked up their phones (or turned on their computers) and tried something new.

See reviews

Marta Walsh Interviews Brea Grant from Heroes

I recently interviewed actress Brea Grant from the hit NBC science fiction series Heroes for Beauty Interviews.


Brea Grant stars as the new “hero” on the hit NBC’s science fiction series “HEROES”. The season kicked off on September 22nd with all new episodes so make sure to stop by and watch Brea Grant as she playing the character of Daphne Millbrook. Brea grant has previously appeared in an episode of Cold Case and three episodes of Friday Night Lights, and is due to play the character of “Junkie Girl” in the upcoming Max Payne film.

In this interview Brea Grant talks about how she got into acting, why was she attracted to the role of Daphne Millbrook in the hit series Heroes and what she has learned from it, shares beauty secrets, and her upcoming projects.

Marta Walsh: Why did you decide on a career in acting?
Brea Grant: As a kid, I did a lot of local theatre in Texas. When I was sort of at that crossroads of trying to decide what to do with my life, I fell back on the thing I remembered loving most – acting. So I took a few acting classes and moved to Los Angeles. Sounds simple but it was actually pretty hard.

How To Rescue a Bad Hair Day With Pureology Haircare

Watch my video blog for today on how to rescue a bad hair day with Pureology Serious Colour Care products.

Products mentioned in Marta’s video blog:
Pureology Hydrate Shampoo
Pureology Hydrate Conditioner
Pureology SuperStraight Relaxing Serum

At-Home & On Budget Holiday Hair Styles

Tips by Celebrity Stylist and “Best of LA 2008” Winner Nelson Chan of Nelson J Salon.

Beverly Hills – Celebrity haircolorist and stylist Nelson Chan, also founder of the eco-friendly Nelson J salon in Beverly Hills, offers some quick tips for styling hair for the holidays without having to go into the salon.

Everyone is worried about the economy at this time, and holiday spending always puts pressure on individuals as well as entire families, so I thought it would be great to give girls and women some ideas of how to creatively style their hair at home this year,” offers Chan, who was recently named “Best of LA” by Los Angeles Magazine for “ammonia-free haircoloring” (August 2008). “Being able to style hair at home versus going to the salon may save anywhere between $50 – $100 this season.”

Fun, Sexy Curls Using Hot Rollers:
– Choose the right size rollers for you (large rollers create loose curls or soft waves, while small rollers create tighter curls and waves)
– Take 2-inch sections of dry hair and pull the hair at 90 degrees from the head
– Roll the curls away from the face
– Set for 5-10 mins
– Undo the rollers and comb hair with fingers

Best and Worst Celebrity Hair Color Photos content:

Best and Worst Celebrity Hair Color Photos

From subtle to chunky highlights, see how stars like Rihanna work streaks


Best and Worst Celebrity Hair Color Photos

Highlights are a perfect way to add dimension to your hair, making it appear full and vibrant. When done right, hair looks like it’s been kissed by the sun. When done wrong, highlights can give hair a striped, skunk-like look — not pretty. Check out our fave and least fave celebrity hair highlights, then offer up your opinion: Did they go too far or are their streaks just right?

See highlights

Marta Walsh Interviews Celebrity Hair Stylist Ken Paves

I recently interviewed the fabulous celebrity hair stylist Ken Paves for Beauty

I know Ken Paves was attacked by the paparazzi after dining at Madeo on Beverly Boulevard on Saturday night with Jessica Simpson, so I really hope Ken is doing well.

Ken Paves was dubbed by the media as “the hottest hairdressers in Hollywood”. Ken Paves is often recognized as Jessica Simpson’s hair stylist and for his work with a variety of other high profile clients, such as: Jennifer Lopez, Eva Longoria Parker, Fergie, and Jessica Alba to name a few. In this interview, Ken Paves talks about his beginning as a professional hair stylist doing several international magazine covers with Nikki Taylor, how did his business relationship with Jessica Simpson evolve, how did the concept for Hairdo a line of clip-in-hair extensions come about, his must-have hair styling tools and products, and why using self-expression is so important when it comes to hair.

Marta Walsh: When did your interest in hair design begin?
Ken Paves: I grew up with my father working 7 days a week in the auto industry. My mom worked part time jobs and raised 3 boys. I would sit outside of my mom’s bathroom as a “spectator” whenever she would do her hair and make up. This was only usually during the holidays or family functions. I was in awe at how these rare moments of self made her feel. My mom is my muse and has also appeared in the media with me. When my father retired from the auto industry after 32 years, he made me promise him I would choose a job that I would love to do after 32 years. It’s been 14 years and I still love it. I love to help women recognize their own beauty and to feel confident about themselves – that is beautiful.

Marta Walsh Interviews Patricia Kara from Deal or NO Deal

Couple of months ago, I had an amazing opportunity to interview the beautiful Patrica Kara for Beauty Interviews.

Patricia Kara is an actress, model, and a TV personality best known as Deal or No Deal’s #9. Patricia along with Tameka Jacobs, were the only ones chosen to be on the new Daytime Deal or No Deal with Howie Mandel, which premiered in September 2008. In addition, Patricia has appeared in over 20 television programs, such as, E! Entertainment’s Wild On, Extra, and the Golden Globes.

Read my interview with Patricia Kara where we chat about her love for hosting TV shows, how Deal or No deal revolutionized her career, beauty secrets, her upcoming calendar, and plans for the future.

Why have you decided on a career in hosting and reporting?
I started out with modeling about twenty years ago back in Chicago. That led me to Florida and New York. When I was in New York my modeling agency started to send me out to auditions for hosting and acting. I started booking jobs here and there. One job led to the next job. Then I moved to LA and kept working. And I love it! Anytime I can talk and get paid for it to, is just great. I find my job real easy, it is what I love to do. With hosting I get to try new and different things, depending on what I’m hosting about, and being part of them in a way most people don’t get to do. For example, if I do a show about wake boarding, I’ll try wake boarding. I’ve done a fishing show. I’ve also hosted a lot of sporting events, such as Kentucky Derby.

Quiz:How Healthy Is Your Hair? content:

Quiz: How Healthy Is Your Hair?

Find out if it’s Pantene-commercial worthy or if it should join Amy Winehouse in rehab


Quiz: How Healthy Is Your Hair?

Flatirons, highlights and sunshine, oh my! So many things can cause damage to your hair without you even knowing it. Think your hair is healthy? The answer might surprise you. Take this quiz to find out the real health of your hair and get tips on how to nurse it back to a shiny, soft state.

Take the quiz